
Tahajjud, also known as the "night prayer" or "qiyam al-layl," is a voluntary Islamic prayer offered during the night, usually in the last third of the night. It holds great significance in Islam and is a way for Muslims to seek closeness to Allah (God), seek forgiveness, and make supplications. 

Tahajjud Prayer: A Spiritual Journey in the Night

Tahajjud, derived from the Arabic word "hajada," which means "to remain awake at night," is a special form of voluntary prayer in Islam. It is a time when the world is quiet, and hearts are most receptive to spiritual reflection and connection with the Divine. This nightly ritual, practiced by devout Muslims, allows them to deepen their relationship with Allah and seek His guidance, forgiveness, and blessings.

The Significance of Tahajjud:

Tahajjud is not obligatory, but it is highly recommended in Islamic tradition. The Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) emphasized its significance through his actions and words. He once said, "In the heavens, there is a gate that is not opened except in Tahajjud, and a supplication that is not granted except in Tahajjud." This underscores the unique opportunity Tahajjud offers for personal spiritual growth and seeking Allah's mercy.

The Timing of Tahajjud:

Tahajjud is performed during the latter part of the night, ideally in the last third of the night. This is a time when most people are asleep, and the world is still. It signifies a deliberate effort to forsake worldly comforts and dedicate oneself to prayer and reflection. The exact timing varies depending on the region and time of year but can be determined by consulting Islamic prayer timetables.

The Method of Performing Tahajjud:

1. Niyyah (Intention)

Just like any other act of worship, one must start with a sincere intention (niyyah) to perform Tahajjud for the sake of Allah.

2. Wudu (Ablution)

 Before commencing the prayer, it's important to perform wudu (ablution) to purify oneself physically and spiritually.

3. Number of Rak'ahs (Units)

While there is no fixed number of rak'ahs (units) for Tahajjud, it is typically prayed in sets of two rak'ahs each. The minimum recommended is two rak'ahs, but it can be extended to as many as one wishes.

4. Recitation of Quranic Verses and Duas (Supplications)

During Tahajjud, Muslims recite verses from the Quran and engage in heartfelt supplications. It is a time for personal reflection, seeking forgiveness, and expressing gratitude.

5. Sujood (Prostration)

 The sujood (prostration) in Tahajjud is a deeply humbling experience where one lowers their forehead to the ground in submission to Allah. It's a moment of profound connection and surrender.

6. Tasleem (Salutation)

After completing the desired number of rak'ahs, Muslims offer the tasleem by turning their head to the right and saying "As-salamu alaykum wa rahmatullah" to conclude the prayer.

The Spiritual Benefits of Tahajjud

1. Closeness to ALLAH 

Tahajjud allows Muslims to draw closer to Allah, seeking His pleasure and guidance. It's a time when distractions are minimal, and one can focus entirely on their Creator.

2. Forgiveness

 The Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) said, "Whoever stands in prayer in the night seeking Allah's pleasure, Allah will forgive him." Tahajjud offers a chance for sincere repentance and seeking forgiveness for past sins.

3. Guidance

 In the quiet of the night, many find clarity and spiritual insight. Muslims turn to Tahajjud to seek guidance from Allah for life's challenges and decisions.

4. Increased Taqwa (ALLAH-consciousness)

 Consistently performing Tahajjud cultivates a heightened sense of God-consciousness (taqwa) in a person's daily life, influencing their behavior and character positively.


Tahajjud is a profound act of worship that enables Muslims to transcend the noise of the world and connect with Allah on a deeply spiritual level. It embodies the essence of dedication, reflection, and humility. Through Tahajjud, individuals seek forgiveness, guidance, and blessings, nurturing their relationship with the Divine. This voluntary night prayer holds a special place in the hearts of those who practice it, offering a path to spiritual growth and inner peace in the stillness of the night.

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